
Landeskrankenhaus Bregenz

Heat generator

Heat/cold consumers

Cold generator



Economic efficiency and space requirements as a priority

With the takeover of the hospital by the state of Vorarlberg and the associated expansion into a modern central hospital, adaptations and renovations are on the agenda. Like a patchwork, the building services do their job, but in many respects they repeatedly show shortcomings – especially in terms of energy efficiency. A complete refurbishment is on the cards. Economic efficiency and the space-saving use of technology have top priority.

Convincing low investment costs

The Linher office from Frastanz in Austria is commissioned with the renovation and relies on a cooperation with Zortea. The Zortström technology impresses the planning team above all with its low investment costs and the numerous reference installations that attest to the system’s flawless hydraulics – even after years! The combined boiler output is an impressive 4 megawatts. Zortström technology also offers Bregenz Hospital unique solutions in the area of cooling with its flawlessly functioning hydraulics.





Schematic diagrams